First croatian brand specijaliziran za dizajn i proizvodnju modernog namještaja za kućne ljubimce
Brand Robowsky je zaštićen pri Državnom zavodu za intelektualno vlasništvo Republike Hrvatske
Idejno smo osmislili, dizajnirali i proizveli liniju modernog namještaja za kućne ljubimce, za sve Vas koji svojim šapicama želite pružiti maksimalnu udobnost i ljepotu u okviru Vašeg doma, na najbolji mogući način; spajajući visoku estetsku razinu s funkcionalnošću.
Od 01. travnja samo za vas u ponudu uvodimo jastučnice u raznim bojama tkanine, te mogućnost custom narudžbe jastuka. Odaberi dimenzije, oblik, boju, uzorak i materijal. I još jedna extra novost za ljubimce sklone luksuzu - jastuci od eko kože 🙂
Autori smo dizajna i prozvođači potpuno novog koncepta na hrvatskom tržištu, linije namještaja za kućne ljubimce prilagođene potrebama i dizajnu suvremenog stanovanja.
Zlatka Šulentića 4 (ured)
10000 Zagreb
M +385 91 919 68 38
M +385 95 525 65 11
Founder & Owner
Special Advisor, Architect
Robowsky j.d.o.o. za arhitekturu i dizajn prva je hrvatska tvrtka specijalizirana za dizajn i proizvodnju modernog namještaja za kućne ljubimce.
Autori smo dizajna i proizvođači potpuno novog koncepta na hrvatskom tržištu, linije namještaja za kućne ljubimce prilagođene potrebama i dizajnu suvremenog stanovanja, kao i ponosni vlasnici branda Robowsky kojeg smo zaštitili.
Živimo u vremenu ubrzanog životnog ritma, kada većina nas ima sve više i više obveza, te sve manje vremena za druženja s dragim nam ljudima, ali oni koji su uvijek uz nas, koji nas ispraćaju kad idemo na posao, i vesele nam se kad se vraćamo umorni od obaveza, te nam daju svakodnevno emocionalno utočište to su naši kućni ljubimci. Oni nas vole bezuvjetno, baš kao i mi njih!
S obzirom da se sve veći broj ljudi odlučuje postati vlasnicima kućnih ljubimaca, a i sami smo vlasnici čupavih prijatelja , u svakodnevnoj želji da im priuštimo najbolje, uvidjeli smo da segment namještaja za kućne ljubimce na postojećem tržištu nudi vrlo oskudan asortiman, posebno u dijelu koji bi se estetski integrirao u koncept suvremenih interijera, naravno sa pripadajućom multifunkcionalom notom.
Iz ljubavi prema našim ljubimcima, a ujedno i neprestane težnje za postizanjem maksimalnog sklada i suvremenog duha u stambenim interijerima, kao i u svim segmentima svakodnevnog života, idejno smo osmislili, dizajnirali i proizveli, te Vam odlučili predstaviti koncept modernog namještaja za kućne ljubimce, našu autorsku liniju „Robowsky“ u koju smo uložili pregršt ljubavi, truda i vremena, kako bismo pružili komfor našim ljubimcima a ujedno i oplemenili naše interijere.
U kreiranju proizvoda iz dizajnerske linije Robowsky sudjeluje tim vrhunskih stručnjaka iz područja inovacija, arhitekture i dizajna.
Ostvarite san Vašoj šapici, neka i ona osjeti svu udobnost i ljepotu koju pruža Robowsky.
Sjedište (ured)Zlatka Šulentića 4, 10000 Zagreb
Djelatnost NKD
7410 Specijalizirane dizajnerske djelatnosti
Poslovna banka
Raiffeisenbank Austria d.d.
080930339 - Sudski registar Trgovačkog suda u Zagrebu
Godina osnivanja
Članovi uprave
Dubravka Bralić
Članovi društva
Jelena Bralić, jedini član
Kitty Cat Dream House is the ideal solution for cats in your home. The element is imagined as a playroom and bed for your cat. All cats dream about element like this. Elegant proportions of 55 x 45 x 97 cm, it will decorate every interior, and will be perfect polygon for the endless game of your pet.
Available colours: white / black
Price 200,00 EUR
Material: Melaminboard
"Let's make the living space more beautiful, let us create a world in which we live, let us give love, attention, beauty and comfort to our pets."
For all ordering and shipping questions please fill up our contact form or write to
We believe that you where a number of times thinking about what would be the ideal furniture for your pet, furniture, which at the same time can provide the perfect comfort but also perfectly will fit into your interior. We know it s not an easy choice.
The company Robowsky created a concept , designed and developed a line of modern furniture for pets, for those who wantt to provide to their pets maximum comfort and good design within your home in the best possible way; combining high aesthetic level with functionality.
You no longer need to have a dilemma, Robowsky is the right choice.
The line of modern furniture for pets Robowsky, the minimalist design of black, white and red, the productline with its sophisticated and elegant expression will easily fit in your modern living space.
The first set of Robowsky product line consists of five products, whose pictures with all specifications can be seen below.
We invite you to look at our products, and chose your own Robowsky style.
Blankets Paws Hug
The softest pet hug, the perfectly warm and comfortable flis blankets.
Let your pets feel the maximum warmth and comfort under Robowsky’s blankets.
S (small) / M (medium) – Dimensions 65 x 80 cm – Price: 20 EUR
L (large) / XL (extralarge) – Dimensions: 100 x 120 cm – Price: 25 EUR
Available colors: White, Red and Black
Elegant cushions of Eco leather, thickness 8 cm, density 22. Ideal choice for the aesthetics of your home and comfort for your pet.
Available in all colors.
Sizes: S (Small) – 30 x 60 cm
M (Medium) – 47 x 77 cm
L (Large) – 77 x 97 cm
XL (ExtraLarge) -87 x 117 cm
Price: S (Small) 40 EUR, M (Medium) 58,33 EUR, L (Large) 76,91 EUR, XL (ExtraLarge) 79,59 EUR
00 385 91 919 68 38
"Let's make the living space more beautiful, let us create a world in which we live, let us give love, attention, beauty and comfort to our pets."
For all ordering and shipping questions please fill up our contact form or write to
We believe that you where a number of times thinking about what would be the ideal furniture for your pet, furniture, which at the same time can provide the perfect comfort but also perfectly will fit into your interior. We know it s not an easy choice.
The company Robowsky created a concept , designed and developed a line of modern furniture for pets, for those who wantt to provide to their pets maximum comfort and good design within your home in the best possible way; combining high aesthetic level with functionality.
You no longer need to have a dilemma, Robowsky is the right choice.
The line of modern furniture for pets Robowsky, the minimalist design of black, white and red, the productline with its sophisticated and elegant expression will easily fit in your modern living space.
The first set of Robowsky product line consists of five products, whose pictures with all specifications can be seen below.
We invite you to look at our products, and chose your own Robowsky style.
High feeder is ideal for bigger dogs. Handmade, made of natural wood. Contains two containers. Designed to hold water and food.
Dimensions: 26 x 53 x 26 cm
Material: Natural wood
Price: 127,34 EUR
+385 91 919-68-38
"Let's make the living space more beautiful, let us create a world in which we live, let us give love, attention, beauty and comfort to our pets."
For all ordering and shipping questions please fill up our contact form or write to
We believe that you where a number of times thinking about what would be the ideal furniture for your pet, furniture, which at the same time can provide the perfect comfort but also perfectly will fit into your interior. We know it s not an easy choice.
The company Robowsky created a concept , designed and developed a line of modern furniture for pets, for those who wantt to provide to their pets maximum comfort and good design within your home in the best possible way; combining high aesthetic level with functionality.
You no longer need to have a dilemma, Robowsky is the right choice.
The line of modern furniture for pets Robowsky, the minimalist design of black, white and red, the productline with its sophisticated and elegant expression will easily fit in your modern living space.
The first set of Robowsky product line consists of five products, whose pictures with all specifications can be seen below.
We invite you to look at our products, and chose your own Robowsky style.
Elegant feeder for your pet, handmade, made of natural wood, a decoration for your interior and a practical pet solution. Designed for holding water or food.
Dimensions: 28 x 28 x 7 cm
Material: Natural wood
Price: 72,95 EUR
00 385 91 919 68 38
"Let's make the living space more beautiful, let us create a world in which we live, let us give love, attention, beauty and comfort to our pets."
For all ordering and shipping questions please fill up our contact form or write to
We believe that you where a number of times thinking about what would be the ideal furniture for your pet, furniture, which at the same time can provide the perfect comfort but also perfectly will fit into your interior. We know it s not an easy choice.
The company Robowsky created a concept , designed and developed a line of modern furniture for pets, for those who wantt to provide to their pets maximum comfort and good design within your home in the best possible way; combining high aesthetic level with functionality.
You no longer need to have a dilemma, Robowsky is the right choice.
The line of modern furniture for pets Robowsky, the minimalist design of black, white and red, the productline with its sophisticated and elegant expression will easily fit in your modern living space.
The first set of Robowsky product line consists of five products, whose pictures with all specifications can be seen below.
We invite you to look at our products, and chose your own Robowsky style.
Attractive leeds, handmade, for medium and big dogs. Strong, long-lasting and washable.
Available in all colors.
Model: King (for big dogs)
Length: 88 cm
Material: Satin rope
Price: 39 EUR
00 385 91 919 68 38
"Let's make the living space more beautiful, let us create a world in which we live, let us give love, attention, beauty and comfort to our pets."
For all ordering and shipping questions please fill up our contact form or write to
We believe that you where a number of times thinking about what would be the ideal furniture for your pet, furniture, which at the same time can provide the perfect comfort but also perfectly will fit into your interior. We know it s not an easy choice.
The company Robowsky created a concept , designed and developed a line of modern furniture for pets, for those who wantt to provide to their pets maximum comfort and good design within your home in the best possible way; combining high aesthetic level with functionality.
You no longer need to have a dilemma, Robowsky is the right choice.
The line of modern furniture for pets Robowsky, the minimalist design of black, white and red, the productline with its sophisticated and elegant expression will easily fit in your modern living space.
The first set of Robowsky product line consists of five products, whose pictures with all specifications can be seen below.
We invite you to look at our products, and chose your own Robowsky style.
Attractive leeds, handmade, decorated with perls, for small dogs. Strong, long-lasting and washable.
Available in all colors.
Model: Pearl (for small dogs)
Length: 130 cm
Material: Satin rope
Price: 34 EUR
00 385 91 919 68 38
"Let's make the living space more beautiful, let us create a world in which we live, let us give love, attention, beauty and comfort to our pets."
For all ordering and shipping questions please fill up our contact form or write to
We believe that you where a number of times thinking about what would be the ideal furniture for your pet, furniture, which at the same time can provide the perfect comfort but also perfectly will fit into your interior. We know it s not an easy choice.
The company Robowsky created a concept , designed and developed a line of modern furniture for pets, for those who wantt to provide to their pets maximum comfort and good design within your home in the best possible way; combining high aesthetic level with functionality.
You no longer need to have a dilemma, Robowsky is the right choice.
The line of modern furniture for pets Robowsky, the minimalist design of black, white and red, the productline with its sophisticated and elegant expression will easily fit in your modern living space.
The first set of Robowsky product line consists of five products, whose pictures with all specifications can be seen below.
We invite you to look at our products, and chose your own Robowsky style.
Attractive leeds, handmade, for small dogs. Strong, long-lasting and washable.
Available in all colors.
Model: Basic (for small dogs)
Length: 130 cm
Material: Satin rope
Price: 24,99 EUR
00 385 91 919 68 38
"Let's make the living space more beautiful, let us create a world in which we live, let us give love, attention, beauty and comfort to our pets."
For all ordering and shipping questions please fill up our contact form or write to
We believe that you where a number of times thinking about what would be the ideal furniture for your pet, furniture, which at the same time can provide the perfect comfort but also perfectly will fit into your interior. We know it s not an easy choice.
The company Robowsky created a concept , designed and developed a line of modern furniture for pets, for those who wantt to provide to their pets maximum comfort and good design within your home in the best possible way; combining high aesthetic level with functionality.
You no longer need to have a dilemma, Robowsky is the right choice.
The line of modern furniture for pets Robowsky, the minimalist design of black, white and red, the productline with its sophisticated and elegant expression will easily fit in your modern living space.
The first set of Robowsky product line consists of five products, whose pictures with all specifications can be seen below.
We invite you to look at our products, and chose your own Robowsky style.
Elegant and comfortable cushion made of sponge thickness of 8 cm, density 22, with a cover of 100% cotton. Available in all colors.
S (Small) – 30 x 60 cm
M (Medium) – 47 x 77 cm
L (Large) – 77 x 97 cm
XL (Extra large) – 87 x 117 cm
Price: Small 19,90 EUR, Medium 29,95 EUR, Large 54,08 EUR, Extra Large 58,10 EUR
00 385 91 919 68 38
"Let's make the living space more beautiful, let us create a world in which we live, let us give love, attention, beauty and comfort to our pets."
For all ordering and shipping questions please fill up our contact form or write to
We believe that you where a number of times thinking about what would be the ideal furniture for your pet, furniture, which at the same time can provide the perfect comfort but also perfectly will fit into your interior. We know it s not an easy choice.
The company Robowsky created a concept , designed and developed a line of modern furniture for pets, for those who wantt to provide to their pets maximum comfort and good design within your home in the best possible way; combining high aesthetic level with functionality.
You no longer need to have a dilemma, Robowsky is the right choice.
The line of modern furniture for pets Robowsky, the minimalist design of black, white and red, the productline with its sophisticated and elegant expression will easily fit in your modern living space.
The first set of Robowsky product line consists of five products, whose pictures with all specifications can be seen below.
We invite you to look at our products, and chose your own Robowsky style.
You are tired from constant cleaning up your kitchen floor in the area of dog and cat bowls ? Robowsky offers a new solution for you! Elegant feeders from massive wood , with double or three bowls – Slim Duo/Trio and Massive Duo/Trio .
Functional and elegant feeders are a good solution for all restless paws and their owners .
Designed also for pet friendly zones in cafes and restaurants !
"Let's make the living space more beautiful, let us create a world in which we live, let us give love, attention, beauty and comfort to our pets."
For all ordering and shipping questions please fill up our contact form or write to
We believe that you where a number of times thinking about what would be the ideal furniture for your pet, furniture, which at the same time can provide the perfect comfort but also perfectly will fit into your interior. We know it s not an easy choice.
The company Robowsky created a concept , designed and developed a line of modern furniture for pets, for those who wantt to provide to their pets maximum comfort and good design within your home in the best possible way; combining high aesthetic level with functionality.
You no longer need to have a dilemma, Robowsky is the right choice.
The line of modern furniture for pets Robowsky, the minimalist design of black, white and red, the productline with its sophisticated and elegant expression will easily fit in your modern living space.
The first set of Robowsky product line consists of five products, whose pictures with all specifications can be seen below.
We invite you to look at our products, and chose your own Robowsky style.
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ponedjeljak - petak
9.00 - 17.00
9.00 - 13.00
Waterproof eco-leather pillows, the YACHT program are the perfect choice for your pet...
Waterproof eco-leather pillows, the YACHT program are the perfect choice for your pet. They are available in all sizes and colors.
Even more elegant, more sophisticated. For all of you who are in love with the ultimate design. Thick only 5 cm, eco-leather, exceptionally high quality and comfortable. In our offer from February 20th.
Stylish & Fancy. Handmade. For a small, medium and large dogs. Only for 24,99 –
Stylish & Fancy. Handmade. For a small, medium and large dogs.
Only for 24,99 – 39 EUR
FREE delivery.
You can visit us at the pet equipment fair and see live our products in the We...
You can visit us at the pet equipment fair and see live our products in the Westgate Shopping Center of Zagreb , in the period from 19th till 21st February 2016 , from 10 am to 11 pm on Friday and Saturday , and from 10 am to 9 pm on Sunday . We are waiting for you! Robowsky team
Robowsky is presenting for 2016. a collection of 5 new products , which will be prese...
Robowsky is presenting for 2016. a collection of 5 new products , which will be presented through the upcoming 5 days .We will give away 5 surprise gifts for the first 5 customers . You just need to follow us on
Dear customers , this is a great chance that your pet becomes a star Ro...
Dear customers , this is a great chance that your pet becomes a star
Robowsky is looking for dog models that will be the stars of our autumn campaign in which we will introduce a line of new products for the season 2015/2016 .
So , sign up your pet as soon as possible to our model competition ; beside beauty and personality , the condition is that the dog agrees with cats , considering that they will also be present on the set
All information about all conditions for competition participation can be found on our Facebook page . The contest begins on September 24, and runs until October 7 .
For proud owners of selected photo models we have prepared some nice Robowsky prizes !
Just for you we launched from April 1 on the market cushions in various colors...
Just for you we launched from April 1 on the market cushions in various colors of fabric , and the ability to custom order . Create your own cushion ! Choose dimensions , shape, color , pattern and material . And one extra news for pets which tends to luxury – leather cushions
Discount prices for Prince size beds in the new sizes L and XL , in the period from 2...
Discount prices for Prince size beds in the new sizes L and XL , in the period from 2. February to 2. March 2015 – from 638.00 HRK .
Announcing the lucky winner of our competition was held on 24 December 2014 , at the Veterinary Branimir . Winner of our Prince size bed is Mrs. Martin Novak Baksa Čakovec ! Video of the announcment can be viewed on our Facebook profile . Congratulations and wish your pets nice dreams !
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Uređenje interijera prostora namijenjenih za boravak životinja
Tvrtka Robowsky osim dizajna i proizvodnje modernog namještaja za kućne ljubimce pruža cjelovita individualizirana idejna i praktična rješenja za uređenje interijera prostora čija je namjena boravak životinja kao što su hoteli za životinje, uzgajivačnice i prostori slične namjene te pet friendly zone unutar hoteljersko ugostiteljskih objekata.
I to nije sve! 🙂
Total dizajn i redizajn stambenih prostora
Robowsky tim također pruža usluge total dizajna i redizajna vašeg doma suvremenim funkcionalnim i inovativnim rješenjima ukoliko ga odlučite prilagoditi specifičnim navikama vaših ljubimaca!
Vrlo uspješan primjer takvog zabavnog a opet suvremeno oblikovanog „pet friendly“ koncepta je primjer unutarnjeg uređenja obiteljske kuće u Japanu čiji je autor tvrtka Fauna + Design.
Inspirirajte se!
Waterproof eco-leather pillows, the YACHT program are the perfect choice for your pet...
Waterproof eco-leather pillows, the YACHT program are the perfect choice for your pet. They are available in all sizes and colors.
Even more elegant, more sophisticated. For all of you who are in love with the ultimate design. Thick only 5 cm, eco-leather, exceptionally high quality and comfortable. In our offer from February 20th.
Stylish & Fancy. Handmade. For a small, medium and large dogs. Only for 24,99 –
Stylish & Fancy. Handmade. For a small, medium and large dogs.
Only for 24,99 – 39 EUR
FREE delivery.
You can visit us at the pet equipment fair and see live our products in the We...
You can visit us at the pet equipment fair and see live our products in the Westgate Shopping Center of Zagreb , in the period from 19th till 21st February 2016 , from 10 am to 11 pm on Friday and Saturday , and from 10 am to 9 pm on Sunday . We are waiting for you! Robowsky team
Robowsky is presenting for 2016. a collection of 5 new products , which will be prese...
Robowsky is presenting for 2016. a collection of 5 new products , which will be presented through the upcoming 5 days .We will give away 5 surprise gifts for the first 5 customers . You just need to follow us on
Dear customers , this is a great chance that your pet becomes a star Ro...
Dear customers , this is a great chance that your pet becomes a star
Robowsky is looking for dog models that will be the stars of our autumn campaign in which we will introduce a line of new products for the season 2015/2016 .
So , sign up your pet as soon as possible to our model competition ; beside beauty and personality , the condition is that the dog agrees with cats , considering that they will also be present on the set
All information about all conditions for competition participation can be found on our Facebook page . The contest begins on September 24, and runs until October 7 .
For proud owners of selected photo models we have prepared some nice Robowsky prizes !
Just for you we launched from April 1 on the market cushions in various colors...
Just for you we launched from April 1 on the market cushions in various colors of fabric , and the ability to custom order . Create your own cushion ! Choose dimensions , shape, color , pattern and material . And one extra news for pets which tends to luxury – leather cushions
Discount prices for Prince size beds in the new sizes L and XL , in the period from 2...
Discount prices for Prince size beds in the new sizes L and XL , in the period from 2. February to 2. March 2015 – from 638.00 HRK .
Announcing the lucky winner of our competition was held on 24 December 2014 , at the Veterinary Branimir . Winner of our Prince size bed is Mrs. Martin Novak Baksa Čakovec ! Video of the announcment can be viewed on our Facebook profile . Congratulations and wish your pets nice dreams !
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